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Remedy Therapy

Common Mental Health Disorders

Conveniently Located To Serve West Palm, Miami, Orlando, and Jacksonville.

Almost half of adults in the US will experience some kind of mental illness in their lifetime. In any given year, roughly 44 million people suffer from a mental disorder. Yet only 41 percent of those who suffer will seek treatment for these eminently treatable common mental health disorders.

There are many possible reasons for this. Mental health problems are still stigmatized in this country, despite advances in diagnosing and treating them. And unlike physical health problems like the flu or a broken bone, there isn’t very much general knowledge circulating to help people understand, accept, and ultimately seek treatment for their mental health.

So what are the most common forms of mental illness, and how do you recognize them in yourself or a loved one? Let’s take a look at reasons for counseling services in FL.


About 17 million Americans suffer a major depressive episode every year. Depression comprises several sub-categories, but they’re all categorized by a persistent feeling of sadness, a lack of self-esteem, diminished energy, and a sense of hopelessness.

A depressed person may find it hard to concentrate at work or at home. They may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed and withdraw from social interactions. Sleep disturbances—getting either too much or too little—are also well-documented among those experiencing depression.

Depression can be caused by life events or, in the case of a chemical imbalance, show no apparent cause at all. Symptoms may last a long time or may pass when certain environmental stimuli cease.


Like depression, anxiety is a broad term that encompasses several subsets of common mental health disorders. The largest of these, generalized anxiety disorder, manifests itself as an overall sense of fear and worry with no apparent cause. Those who suffer from anxiety disorders may find themselves suddenly in a state of panic, a similar sensation to having a heart attack. Panic attacks are not fatal, however, and usually pass relatively quickly.

The cause of anxiety varies with the type of disorder. A person with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) will worry over a traumatic event in her past. Someone with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) knows his fears are unwarranted, but will still perform the series of actions he knows will relieve the stress, if only temporarily. Remedy Therapy Behavioral Health provides a range of counseling services to accommodate each situation. For example, services include trauma therapy in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

Bipolar Disorder

The origins of bipolar disorder are still something of a mystery, but it’s believed to start with a genetic predisposition. Those who suffer from bipolar disorder cycle between states of depression and mania. When depressed, the individual will feel similar symptoms of depression discussed above. When manic, the person feels supercharged. They’re full of energy, ready to take on the world, and easily irritated.

Sometimes, a period of normalcy will separate the mania from the depression. At other times, sufferers may be in what doctors refer to as a “mixed state,” in which the symptoms of both problems are present. In other words, the person may experience the sad and hopeless feelings of depression but get the urge to do something about it from the mania. As a result, the likelihood of self-harm or suicide is much higher during a mixed state.

Substance Abuse

Also on the list of common mental health disorders, substance abuse is perhaps the issue about which people know the most. Substance abuse results when a person uses illegal or “street” drugs, drinks too much alcohol, or takes more of a prescription medication than is indicated by their doctor.

As the person becomes tolerant of the substance, more is required to produce the desired high and addiction quickly results. Often, the abuse is a symptom itself and stems from a different mental health issue like depression or anxiety. When a substance and mental health issue coexists, it’s known as a dual diagnosis. If your child suffers from substance abuse, adolescent counseling in FL provides a safe environment to discuss the root causes of drug or alcohol use.


Schizophrenia is a severe and chronic mental illness that affects more than 200,000 Americans. People with schizophrenia seem to have lost touch with reality, sometimes having delusions or hallucinations or hearing voices. Schizophrenia is usually diagnosed between the ages of 12 and 40, and treated with a combination of antipsychotic medication and specialized therapy. Although not as common as many of the other issues discussed above, its symptoms can be much more challenging to overcome.

Getting Help for Common Mental Health Disorders

If you’re looking for support for a common mental health disorder, we urge you to contact us. Remedy Therapy Behavioral Health in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, can help you learn to live your best life while addressing the challenges of a common mental health disorder. It’s time to see just how good things can be. For more information, call (888) 894-4814.


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At Remedy Therapy Behavioral Health, we’re committed to the long-term recovery of each patient in our treatment program. Our patients can rely on our expertise throughout their recovery.

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